History & Opinions

Hijabs in Africa
The hijab itself isn't just a head cover. There is a deeper meaning to its purpose that continues to be talked about. Each woman who wears one gives it a different purpose and meaning. It can be seen as an identity feature, a form of oppression on women, as a part of self-release, or even as a capitalistic tool to make profits. Hijabs have been a part of the Islam since the seventeenth century, and is gre to be one of the more dominant religions inj the world, the interpretation of its meaning began to separate and differ amount regions. In certain areas, women may not receive public service, or can be seen as sinful without their hijab. In places like Iran, there have been ongoing protests to eliminate the hijab wearing law, that fines and jails women who do not abide by it. The word hijab to many women means hiding. It is shielding them and their beauty, in an attempt to protect men from being sexually distracted. It is a way for women, the true victim in the situation, to be blamed. However, on the contrary, in some regions, the hijab is a symbol of religion and identity. It is a way to feel safe, and a part of a larger community, and it is a choice. The hijab is more than a clothing item, it is a part of the religion, identity, and the history of many Islamic women.
The hijab roots from before the times of Islam, and can be seen through Christanity, hence Mary wearing a face covering similar to the hijab. Therefore, many women believe that that Muslims do not own the head covering, and see it as a form of modesty that can be shared. However, it is seen that it is appreciated when women do use the hijab with knowledge of its meaning and history. There is world hijab day on February 1st, and it is used to help encourage all women, no matter where they are from to wear a hijab and spread awareness. While of course there are women who believe that the hijab is meant to be shared only with those who are Muslim, there are many women who also believe that it should be shared with all.
Henna in India
Henna was used for cosmetic purposes in the Roman Empire, Convivencia-period Iberia and Ancient Egypt, as well as other parts of North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, the Near East and South Asia. The henna comes from a plant that grows in extremely hot areas. In India, and many African countries, henna is most often used for special occasions like holidays, birthdays and weddings. The most popular use is in weddings, where it is a tradition for a bride to be covered in henna the night before with the company of her friends and family. During the 90’s, henna made a movement towards the west and now people all over the world are using henna. Celebrities can be seen wearing it, and it is sometimes featured in films, and can be easily purchased off of amazon. It serves as a temporary tattoo rather than an art for celebration like in the eastern countries.
Henna has been found to serve several purposes in the lives of many. It can be a form of self expression, celebration, a form of beauty or a cosmetic treatment, to be part of an ancient tradition, or to bless a bride or child. Not only this, but henna has also been found to have several medicinal properties. It can serve as medicine, sun screen, and insect repellent. With all the new found purposes and forms of expression, many Indians believe henna is meant to be shared with all. Henna is a form of expression and beauty, and celebration, things that should be shared amongst cultures. Not only this, but henna has been around the western countries for several years, and rather than being educated on the origin of the product, they often value the expression of one's beauty and celebration, rather than understanding Indian culture.